
The joys and tribulations of a rising photographer, young mother, and horse lover.

Please note that all photos are copyright 2009 Amy Patience Flood. They are not to be downloaded or duplicated in any fashion and are protected by local and international copyright laws.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Popsicle Puppies

The weather here has been gorgeous the past week, full of warm temperatures and sunshine. In fact, the other day it was downright hot outside. I had the brilliant idea that a popsicle might be just the ticket, and brought one with me out to the backyard.

But I forgot about the dogs. After all, dogs need to stay cool too ;=)

Jessie thought a cold treat was a good idea, but wasn't crazy about the orange flavor.

Rambo, however, was a different story. I had a hard time convincing him to share!

Although it looks as though he is going to devour the whole popsicle in one bite, he was actually very good about licking rather than biting off chunks.


After Rambo finished off the popsicle, I decided to treat all the dogs to some milk. We had half a gallon of milk in the refrigerator that tasted somewhat sour, although it had not yet reached the expiration date. The dogs all crowded in - heads together - to quickly lap it up and it was hard to get a good shot.

I told Rambo so and he was happy to take a moment to help me out.

They all took the time to let me know how mmm-mmm good it was!

Gotta get the other side as well ;)

All gone, Meeka. Sorry :-(

Yikes! Maybe I shouldn't have said that... ;-)


Unknown said...

Haha--you should try ice cream--it's Arfer's favorite:-)

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