
The joys and tribulations of a rising photographer, young mother, and horse lover.

Please note that all photos are copyright 2009 Amy Patience Flood. They are not to be downloaded or duplicated in any fashion and are protected by local and international copyright laws.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Little Jane Wayne

Yesterday, my sister took my little girl for a ride on her horse, Patriot.


They made several big loops around the ring. Grace sat straight and tall. Patriot is somewhere around 15.2 hands but she didn't seem at all afraid. (For you non-horsey people, one hand is 4 inches :-)


Grace is doing her best impression of John Wayne in these images.

IMG_3938 copy

She held the reins too :-)


Grace is ready to gallop off into the sunset, to locate the Ponderosa and those Cartwright boys.

She gets that from me, I'm afraid. ;-)


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