
The joys and tribulations of a rising photographer, young mother, and horse lover.

Please note that all photos are copyright 2009 Amy Patience Flood. They are not to be downloaded or duplicated in any fashion and are protected by local and international copyright laws.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Futbol @ North Park

Yesterday, Grace and I went up to North Park to watch the guys playing soccer/futbol. What began as a very hot, muggy afternoon turned into a nice evening as the sun started going down. I took this video with my new Sony Hx1 and I can tell you that while the pictures aren't much to speak of, I'm happy with the HD video quality.

My husband is one of the players in this video, as are his two brothers, brother-in-law and at least one cousin. (There aren't many Ecuadorians in Burlington, so they are a tight-knit group). You can hear Grace cheering them on - I can almost guarantee you that she will be out there with on the field as soon as she is old enough to keep up. :)

P.S. I forgot to make the wind filter before I left the house, so pardon the noise. :(


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