
The joys and tribulations of a rising photographer, young mother, and horse lover.

Please note that all photos are copyright 2009 Amy Patience Flood. They are not to be downloaded or duplicated in any fashion and are protected by local and international copyright laws.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Fork Horse Trials

As promised, here are a few photos of my brother and sister competing in the Fork Horse Trials near Pinehurst, NC. My other brother, Ian, actually took most of these photos and he did such a good job! I think we have another photographer in the making! I took a lot of video as well - I am going to edit it and post it online, but I need to catch up on editing a few recent photoshoots before I get into all that. But until then, enjoy these photos!


^ Matthew & Misty during dressage. I guess someone suggested he needs a bigger horse (she is 15 hands), but I think they complement each other perfectly, don't you? He is so good to her and they have come so far together - if you ask me, they are a match made in heaven.


Cymry & Patriot during dressage. Mom said that Patriot seemed a little nervous the night before the event, so we worried how he would do in dressage. But he actually relaxed and did quite well!


Cymry and Patriot complete show jumping. I love how the trees frame them here! This image was actually taken by my youngest brother, Ian. It was Ian's 13th birthday, and he spent the day using my equipment while got a break from still photography and took video :)


My sister and her horse Patriot take a cross-country jump at yesterday's horse trials. Cymry was competing at Novice level and Matthew at Beginner Novice.


Matthew & Misty during the stadium jumping phase of the event. Misty dropped one rail, but was so steady and calm - I was so proud of them!


A shot of Matthew & Misty going cross-country! (taken by Ian)


Yay! They did so well!

I'm so proud of all of them - horses and people both!


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