
The joys and tribulations of a rising photographer, young mother, and horse lover.

Please note that all photos are copyright 2009 Amy Patience Flood. They are not to be downloaded or duplicated in any fashion and are protected by local and international copyright laws.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Weekend Anticipation

Guess where I'm going to be this weekend?

I am going to be here - at the beautiful Fork Farm & Stables in Norwood, NC with my family, watching my brother and sister compete in their horse trials.

You see, my brother and sister are eventers. I could go into a long explanation for any non-horsey people, but I wouldn't want you to have to listen to me any longer than was absolutely necessary, so I will just direct you to this webpage, and also the following video that my sister took and uploaded to her flickr photostream.

Trust me - it's not as easy as it looks!

Of course, I have been to horse shows before, but I am especially excited this time because the Fork is so elite and so beautiful. You can bet I will be taking hundreds of pictures, and video that I will be sharing later on. :)



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